»My scientific work is driven by an irresistible desire
to understand the secrets of nature, and by nothing else.«
(Albert Einstein)
Peter Ostermann
Dipl.-Phys. TU Munich,
teacher (for 14 years);
1975-83 dynamic paradoxa of
special relativity theory;
1984 start of
Heureka educational software;
1993 independent physicist
2001/02 a new stationary
cosmological solution of
general relativity theory;
2005/06 concept of a
unified theory of
electrodynamics, gravitation,
and quantum mechanics
(presented at MG11 Berlin);
2007-09 support for
SUM (Stationary Universe Model)
by reanalysis of the Supernova-data,
(presented at MG12 Paris)
as well as 2009 a
Tohu-va-bohu background universe.
2013 a self-contained
SUM presentation including a
mathemtically perfect Planck spectrum
composed of redshifted
'dark' matter microwave radiation
2015 MG14 in Rome:
"Homogeneously distributed dark
Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts
background composed of redshifted
radiation from 'dark' matter".
(both in the
MG14 Proceedings)
Changes and completions on 08/06/2018, page started 03/18/2002
(registered previous versions available)
peter-ostermann/180802: "New physics of an eternal infinite multiverse instead of today's singular big-bang cosmology"
peter-ostermann/160907: "Problems of single-bang cosmology from the perspective of the mathematically simplest alternative based on Einstein's…"
peter-ostermann/131206: “A Strange Detail Concerning the Conceptualization of the Hubble Constant“
peter-ostermann/131130: “A natural vierbein approach to Einstein’s non-Euclidean line element in view of Ehrenfest’s paradox“
peter-ostermann/130515: “Model of a Stationary Background Universe Behind Our Cosmos“ (s.u. arXiv:astro-ph/0312655v6)
peter-ostermann/111210: “The well-earned Nobel Prize for the wrong reason“ (2011)
MG12-Talk-COT2/090716: “Indication from the Supernovae Ia Data of a Stationary Background Universe“ - MG12-Proceedings (2012)
MG12-Talk-COT3/090717: “Relativistic Deduction of a Stationary Tohu-va-Bohu Background Cosmology“ - MG12-Proceedings (2012)
DPG-Vortrag/GR-205.2/070306/A: „Das relativistische Modell eines stationären Hintergrunduniversums und die Supernova-Ia-Daten“
DPG-Vortrag/MP-3.3/070306/B: „Das Variationsprinzip einer einheitlichen Theorie von Elektrodynamik, Gravitation und Quantenmechanik“
peter-ostermann/060915: „Skizze einer offenen Theorie von Elektrodynamik, Gravitation, Quantenmechanik“
MG11-Talk-A19/060727: “Basic relations of a unified theory of electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and gravitation“ - MG11-Proceedings (2008)
arXiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0410068: “A Strange Detail Concerning the Variational Principle of General Relativity Theory“ - Extended v4 (2014)
arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0312655: “The Concordance Model - a Heuristic Approach from a Stationary Universe“ - Extended v6 (2013)
arXiv.org/abs/physics/0211054: „Ein stationäres Universum und die Grundlagen der Relativitätstheorie“
arXiv.org/abs/gr-qc/020805: „Die Einweg-Lichtgeschwindigkeit auf der rotierenden Erde und die Definition des Meters“
Ph.u.D.85-1/831029: „Zur relativistischen Behandlung einfacher Bewegungsabläufe in abgeschlossenen Systemen“